Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Community Vegetable Garden opens

Online piece: http://www.croydonadvertiser.co.uk/Thornton-Heath-welcomes-budding-community-garden/story-19530695-detail/story.html

My comment to the papers:

"When I heard that Croydon Transition Town had formed and were getting active I suggested to one of their members that Thornton Heath Recreation Ground could spare an area in their park for a Community Vegetable Garden. It was fairly straight forward given I'm Treasurer of Friends of Thornton Heath Recreation Ground! Moreover, the Friends group have been keen to try something like this for a while. Croydon Council have been supportive and now Winterbourne Infants School have got involved too, with the labelling of the different vegetables. This is a truly sustainable project, and I hope in decades to come people in Croydon will see that that in 2013 community groups came together to make use of a redundant patch of park to grow food locally to be consumed locally."

JM cuts the ribbon after I make a short speech

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