The residents of Queen Mary Road have fought for 15 years to find a solution to their narrow road dilemma. I remember speaking to Jenny Jones AM about the issue; she came to see the problem for herself back in 2006. She concluded that there were very few alternatives apart from turning the street into a one-way. We suggested alternative solutions as well, because turning a road into 'one way' can sometimes result in increases in average speeds. We submitted a petition to the authorities urging them to help the residents. So, in a way we helped win this battle!
Taken from a Green Party leaflet in FEBRUARY 2006:
--------------------------------------------------The number of road rage incidents on Queen Mary Road are likely to increase, unless steps are taken to address the problem. Presently, due to the narrow width of the road and limited car parking spaces, vehicles driving through the road are finding it increasingly difficult to ‘tuck in’ to the side of the road in order for oncoming cars to proceed.
Residents living on Queen Mary Road have reported the issue to the Croydon Green Party.
The problem is all the more alarming if one considers that the number of cars on the roads has increased by 83 per cent since 1980* and is set to increase by a further 50 per cent over the next 20 years**.
Croydon Greens are keen to find a sustainable solution to the problem on Queen Mary Road and in other parts of Croydon. Firstly, it will help ease congestion, pollution and frustration. Secondly, it will help the UK meet its carbon emission targets. It’s important to bear in mind that traffic delays cost the country £15 billion a year***.
Here are three solutions:
· Install a passing zone on each side of the road.
- Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ’s): These are parking restrictions.
This can make it easier for residents to park near their homes.
- Explore the potential for a car sharing scheme.
Over the coming weekends, Green Party members will be asking Queen Mary Road residents if they have any other solutions, with a view to submitting proposals to the Transport and Streets department at the council.
* Department for Transport - Transport Trends 2004
Tags croydon, greenparty
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