Reply from Duncan Clarke (SLWP Project Manager).
Hi Shasha,
I am sorry I haven’t replied to your email but I thought I would wait until the Inspector’s report was published, which should happen on October 31. Everything should become a little clearer when that appears.
However, I did suggest it was passed on to the Inspector for his consideration and we will have to wait to see what he says.
As regards the Communication from the EU Commission you point to, I am no expert on EU legislative procedures but, I think the final paragraph is enlightening. It states:
“The Commission invites the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and
Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions to endorse this roadmap and contribute
to the further development of the EU's actions to achieve a resource-efficient Europe.”
Therefore, from my reading, it would appear the document you highlight is currently a proposal rather than a directive (and so is akin to a white paper in the UK legislative process) and therefore has no weight.
However, if it were to have weight, I believe the South London Waste Plan would comply with it as the penultimate paragraph of Policy WP1, which is the overarching strategic policy of the waste plan, meets the requirements In fact, the penultimate paragraph of Policy WP1 is a very important policy element for all your concerns.
It states:
“Development to meet the additional capacity needs will be permitted if it seeks to reduce net carbon emissions by managing waste as high up the waste hierarchy as practically possible. All development should safeguard existing communities and the environment by meeting other policies within the relevant borough’s Development Plan.”
Since prevention, preparing for re-use and recycling are all above recovery in the waste hierarchy, the waste plan conforms with the EU communication.
If you have any further questions, I will do my best to answer them.
Duncan Clarke
South London Waste Plan Project Manager