As a result of our tweeting and blogging, the decision to censor Croydon Green Party from displaying a board which read 'What Caused The Riots?' was reported in the Croydon Guardian. I would hope Tony Rowland, the gentleman quoted in the paper, upon reflection realises that the strategy not to allow or display anything relating to embarrassing instances in history is the hallmark of every regime that shuns democracy. Yes discussing the riots maybe uncomfortable, and we as a party were not gung ho about displaying the board, BUT given the local riot inquiry is only running for a couple of weeks, Croydon Green Party feels an opportunity to properly engage with community was missed.
Arguably, it was the reaction of those who noticed the board, before we were asked to take it down, that confirmed our position. No one complained, instead people offered suggestions:
"Starvation!" "Greed!" "Boredom!"
I must add that this years festival was the best yet in terms of numbers and had a great vibe [barring the incident reported in the paper]. Well done to all those invloved.
Tags croydon, greenparty
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