Friday, October 02, 2009

Conversation with London Eco Park (Edmondton Incinerator)

Phone call made to London Eco Park following my 'visit'. Below are the key exchanges as I recall.

SK: I was cycling down the navigation and I came across a smell as I approached the site.

LEP: What type of odour was it?

SK: A mixture of turps and cheap paint.

LEP: Well, that sort of odour is not associated with the site.

SK: So your plant doesn’t smell?

LEP: No I didn’t say that, what I meant is that the odour you describe is chemical type smell and this plant doesn’t handle chemicals. We’ve never had a complaint of a chemical type odour.

SK: I was speaking to lady on the bridge and she could smell it too.

LEP: But it wouldn’t be from the site.

SK: Could chemicals be put in household rubbish?

LEP: That is possible but this area is a big industrial estate with several firms. There are automobile works nearby. The odour could have come from another part of the estate.

SK: So what does your plant smell off?

LEP: It’s an organic smell.

To his credit, he did offer to find out more about the odour.

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