Greens Now a Real Force in Local PoliticsThe results of Thursday’s local council elections clearly show that the Green Party is now a real force in local politics.
Here in Croydon, several wards saw Green candidates poll more votes than their Labour and Liberal Democrat counterparts. In Upper Norwood ward, where the Party stood a full slate of candidates for the first time, the Greens polled an unprecedented 17 per cent of the vote. The result is even more significant in light of the massive amounts of money expended by the major parties in their local campaigns. The Green Party does not accept donations from multinational companies and relies instead on active members and supporters who want to improve quality of life for all.
Nationally, the Green Party reinforced its position as the fourth party. In London, the Party now has councillors in Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham, Camden, Islington and Hackney. Candidate for Upper Norwood, Shasha Khan, said, "The public is turning to the only real alternative to the spin and sleaze of the Westminster parties. People do not want their local democracy turned into a theatre for 'cheque book politics'. The people of Croydon are fed up with the idea that decisions are going to the highest bidder.
I would like to thank everyone who voted Green and re-assure them that, for our party at least, democracy does not start and end at election time. We shall continue to work with local residents and campaign for action – not meaningless party ‘spin’ - on local issues. The election result has shown, both nationally and locally, that the Green Party is now a real force in local politics. In Croydon we’re here to for the long-term.
Our record speaks for itself - wherever Green councillors are voted in, the public see the results and want more. Principled and dedicated Green councillors across the country will be working to improve local neighbourhoods, enhance local shops and services, promote health and protect the wider environment.”