Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Sutton Council now joins residents in opposing the incinerator

I had to do a double take when the link above was circulated: Sutton Council opposes Viridor.

It is thought the new owners of Viridor, KKR, want to increase the level of waste by 10 percent, in addition to the 15 per cent granted last year. 

Inside Croydon did a good piece on this - there's even an old photo of me! 

Sutton Guardian have also covered the issue. 

From Sutton Guardian

It seems Councillor Abellan has now resigned.  Before he handed in his notice, I was copied in to  a letter Cllr Nick Mattey sent to him:

Dear Councillor Abellan.

I have to admit that dealing with the barrage of lies that spew from the mouths of Sutton Liberal Democrats is not just nauseating but stressful as well.  So much so that my GP has advised me to distance myself from anything to do with Sutton council. Having to confront people who are incapable of telling the truth .when you have spent your life avoiding such people takes its toll.  Nevertheless, I feel compelled to write to you regarding Viridors decision to dump Sutton Council with its deluded aspirations to go carbon neutral and get on with the serious business of burning as much waste as possible. 


From Viridor's point of  View, Sutton Liberal Democrats are now surplus to requirements.  Gone are the days when they would make sure that their charity made donations to churches connected with the Liberal Democrats.  Gone are the times they would donate  £100,000 to help the fledgling SDEN  make its first tentative steps on its way to insolvency.  Gone are the times when Viridor would go hand in hand to fight Shasha Khans judicial review,  that alleged conflict of interest. That was the JR where Viridor and Sutton council forgot to tell the judge that as soon as planning permission for the incinerator was approved £275,000 would be on its way to Holy Trinity church.

By withholding this information  Sutton and Viridor got their desired incinerator and Sutton Council was able to screw £5000 out of Shasha  Khan. What a victory,  taking money from a family man who was just doing his bit for the environment? 

                                                          The Incinerator is like a malignant tumor that is growing out of control.  From it emanates millions of carcinogenic particulates that then start cancers in innocent residents. .Residents hoped their council would protect them from harm. Instead, Sutton Council has created a cancer hub in Beddington that simultaneously pushes millions of tonnes of Green House Gases into the atmosphere.

Please do not reply that the incinerator only emits steam, if this was the case why would it require a permit from the EA. ?

Please do not reply that it's better than landfill, the only reason Beddington had a landfill is that the Liberal Democrat approved it.

In fact, 51% of the material burnt in incinerators is plastic and if plastic is landfilled it emits no GHCs it is inert.


                                                   What you and the rest of your Liberal Democrat Incinerator apologists fail to understand is that  Viridor has seen eight years of reverential praise for their incinerator from the Liberal Democrats.  Sutton Liberal Democrats are forbidden to call the incinerator an incinerator just in case anyone might discover its true purpose. This groveling support for incineration has emboldened Viridor.  Sutton is regarded as a soft touch.   They will be soon burning 500,000 tonnes a year. They know Sutton Liberal Democrats can never sto0p them, after all, councilor McCoy says Incinerators improve air quality. 


 You can read more lies put out by  Sutton  Liberal Democrats in 2013 to support  Viridor in the attached file .. Many of these leaflets were lovingly delivered by members of the congregations of the All Saints church  Hackbridge and Holy Trinity church. Wallington, They hoped a combined total of nearly £500,000 would come to their churches from Viridor's Charity, and miraculously it did. 

The  £500,000 of taxpayer's money  Viridor donated, has brought great prosperity to Viridor. Viridor knew that the 275,000 tonnes a year to be incinerated claimed in the leaflet by the Lib Dems was false. Why should they intervene to correct it? When you have councilors who are prepared to lie to help your business it's best to stay quiet.

Can you remind me? when has Viridor told you that Sutton can go carbon neutral? 

As  Councillor Zucheska has said I am one of the most obnoxious people she has ever met, somehow having strict regard for the truth in Lib Dem parlance equates to being obnoxious.  



Kind regards

Nick Mattey 




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