Monday, October 15, 2018

Media just as much to blame for the Brexshit we're in.

Brexiters who are in the media or national politics are either stupid or pandering to their audience. So say I! Those who are radio presenters are essentially audio journalists, much like a reporter for the Daily Express. The readership of the Daily Express expects an anti-immigration slant OR pro-Brexit twist so the reporter writes a story to fit.

The same HAS to apply for radio presenters. They are in the numbers business. A commercial radio station is almost entirely interested in listening figures. No listeners = no advertising revenue.

I remember Iain Dale back in June 2016 maintaining a position of 'undecided' on the IN/OUT question. He finally backed Leave - at least publicly. At the time I thought this wasn't an action based on sound logic, unless one has calculated that for commercial reasons it would be better not to lose your audience.

So, when Danny Dyer famously blasted David Cameron I scanned the debate with interest, especially when Iain Dale tried to make capital out of it. I might be wrong about Dale in my assertion but I doubt it. In he full exchange he tries add weight to 'idiotic tweet' jibe at me.

Take a look at @IainDale's Tweet:

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