Friday, June 04, 2010

Proportional representation letters in the local paper


Dear Editor (Croydon Guardian) - above left

Thank you to all the discerning readers of this paper who voted Green on May 6th. You all voted for what you believe in. Now that the dust has settled, analysis of the council and general election results shows that both the Conservative and Labour Parties successfully reminded their traditional voters, “If you don’t vote for us, the other lot, - the party you really don’t want - get in”. This is best demonstrated by the Labour doorstep slogan, “Vote Green, get blue.”

We heard throughout the election campaign, and the hallowed leaders TV debates’, that we need a new politics. Yet, Labour and the Conservatives benefit from using the politics of fear to win seats, especially in an area like Croydon which is split geographically into a red north and blue south. Its is clear the only solution to our archaic and unfair voting system is genuine proportional representation. This will add value to every vote in the borough. Rather than bouncing back and forth between dictatorships of one shade or another, Croydon would have a more consensus-oriented system, where every serious issue is debated widely and the general public is much more engaged.

Closer examination of the council elections shows that Labour has one councillor for every 4670 votes cast, and the Conservatives one councillor per 4839. Meanwhile the Green Party polled 31470 votes for zero seats; the Lib Dems faired even worse. We need proportional representation now!

Yours sincerely

Shasha Khan

Croydon Green Party



Dear Editor (Croydon Advertiser) - above right

On Election week, a letter (on this page) from Mr. Bowker from Thornton Heath noted the turnout in the local elections would double because it was “more than 100 years ago, if ever, that the local elections in London were last held on the same day as a general election,” and he wondered “how this will effect the result”.

Well, we now know Croydon is now split geographically into a red north and blue south because the big two successfully deployed the politics of fear.

Conservative and Labour Parties successfully reminded their traditional voters, “If you don’t vote for us, the other lot, - the party you really don’t want - get in”; and this tactic had an additional affect of shoring up their vote in the locals, too.

It is clear the only solution to our archaic and unfair voting system is genuine proportional representation. This will add value to every vote in the borough and engage the general public in between elections. Moreover, closer examination of the local elections shows that Labour has one councillor for every 4670 votes cast, and the Conservatives one councillor per 4839. Meanwhile the Green Party polled 31470 votes for zero seats; the Lib Dems faired even worse. We need proportional representation now!

Yours sincerely

Shasha Khan

Croydon Green Party

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