Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Council bans recycling on foot

Residents fuming over car-only rule from the Croydon Guardian

Croydon Green Party member Shasha Khan said he was "100 per cent" behind pedestrian and cycle access for people wishing to recycle.

He added: "It is ludicrous. It's another example of how the systems in place in Croydon are outdated for the present climate.

"People are much more in tune with green issues and environmental best practice and yet the system is stopping them."

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  1. Anonymous11:33 pm

    How daft. So when is Croydon Council planning to roll out doorstep recycling to all its residents then?

  2. Hi Sue,

    Marginal wards in Croydon are fortunate to receive reasonable kerbside collection. The rest of us have a limited collection. In answer to your question: I reckon Croydon Council will only roll out a complete kerbside collection when the Green Party is in power!

